The Mackintosh School of Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) can be traced back to its inception with the founding of the GSA in 1845 as one of the first Government Schools of Design. Its distinctiveness reflects in being an architecture school based in an art school where the pedagogical model of studio-based, practice-led teaching is central.

Glasgow provides a unique backdrop for learning and research in architecture. The city is both the primer and the field of operations for GSA, and this is apparent throughout the curriculum. GSA’s studio-based, practice-informed education is recognised and respected within the architectural profession with practitioners consistently rating MSA among the top 3 schools within the UK (AJ 100), with generations of successful and importantly, professionally impactful alumni. This results in high employment amongst graduates who are seen as having a professionally ready skill set, including socially aware, collaborative and productive working capabilities.

The work of GSA students will be on show during Blueprint for the Future at Parkside Tiles, 44 Sekforde St, Farringdon, London EC1R 0HA.